Saturday, June 25, 2011

Oh Yea its happening!


Its that time, finally after over a year of planning 10 years of dating and 100 of yarn poms later we are finally ready to walk down that aisle and make it official! The last couple of days have been a whirlwind of activity and unexpected roadblocks and I'll admit some tears have been shed (at Bank of America no less) but I'm ready to finally get this show in the road.

Words cannot express my gratitude to you all and this wonderful community. I'm honored and humbled to call myself a member of such a supportive and creative group of woman and our wedding would not be the same with out all of your wonderful comments and support.

To the man I love, because I know you read this blog, I big puffy pom pom heart love you. Your the one person in this world who knows gets me and all my little quirks. When I said lets make a 3 foot size wreath entirely of pom poms you didn't ask me if I was crazy instead you said ok and ask how you could help. Its that undying support that has made this whole wedding process easy. Thank you for being my best friend and shoulder to cry on and for always supporting me regardless of how crazy the idea. After 10 years I cannot wait to finally walk down the aisle and officially get to my husband. I love you Misters.

Image by Heidi Ryder

To all my fellow brides this weekend, (I'm looking at you Cinnamon Buns!) I wish you the best of luck your day will be beutiful and full of love and laughter!

I'll see you ladies on the other side!

Love, Miss Cotton Candy!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Its Coming!

Its wedding week in the Cotton Candy house! As I type brother CC and SIL CC are sitting out in our living room cranking out pom poms for our giant pom wreath, I just got the second phone call from our DJ asking for our music list and my hands are covered in gocco ink from our favors. It’s been a busy couple of weeks for us but we are sooo ready to get this show on the road and finally be able to call each other Husband and Wife.

Project are quickly being completed and the one project I was so excited to see finished also happened to be the one I had absolutely no control over. Remember way back when I shared with you my love of all things chair well I finally figured out how to bring that love into our day. I happened to have 2 matching Louis style chairs in my collection so we decided to have them reupholster in coordinating fabrics and voila fancy shmancy bride and groom chairs. Our upholsterer delivered the chairs and the look beautiful.

To finish of the look I threw together matching glitter banners and our chairs are complete.

With that all of our big projects are complete and everything else is just icing on the cake!

June brides how are you projects coming along?

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Un-Bear-ably Cute!

Awhile back I shared with you my idea to top our cake with miniature Eames chairs to represent my obsession with chairs and our love of mid-century design. Since Mr CC refused to have associate his likeness to something as large as a chair I hit the internet again in hopes of finding a cake topper that represented us as a couple and was a little quirky.

Since the cake topper was such a small element in our wedding I wanted to keep the overall cost low at under 50 bucks. This meant that my 2nd favorite cake topper, sweet little love birds from Anne Wood were out of the question.

Cake Topper by Ann Wood Via BHLDN

After some searching we ended up with this one of a kind cake topper from Etsy artist Melabo.

Yes those are bear heads on the bride and grooms body and yes I am completely and totally in love with it.

You’re probably wondering what in the heck bears have to d with the Cotton Candies. My first name happens to be Veronica. When spoken by native Spanish speakers the can sound like a B making my name sound like Bear-onica. This tickles Mr. CC to no end to the point in which he has shorten my name to just Bear.

As for what it’ll actually be topping, we’ve ordered a small 6 inch double stack round cake with a smooth butter cream finish from our baker. Perfectly simple and exactly what we wanted. For our guest we’ve ordered 8 dozen cupcakes in various flavors including red velvet, pina colada, and lemon poppy seed.

What are you ladies topping your cake with?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Life Gets Real

Back when our wedding was just a glimmer in Mr CCandy and I eyes we never envisioned our final month before the wedding to be so hectic, stress and downright heartbreaking. The past 2 weeks have been an emotional one for the Cotton Candy Family. On Thursday June 2nd Mr CC received a phone call from his step dad informing him that his mother had been complaining of severe pain and was taken to the ER but was stable. Since his step dad had assured him his mother was stable Mr CC wasn’t too concerned when he took off for the hospital and declined my offer to tag along. About an hour later as I was on my way to work I received a phone call from Mr CC, his mother had suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm and due its location in her brain steam she would most likely not survive.

The next few days are a blur of hospital waiting rooms, bad cafeteria food and lots and lots of tears. On Saturday June 4th Mr CC mom passed peacefully surrounded by those who loved her and was laid to rest this past weekend. I have no words to describe the feeling of loss we are currently feeling. Mr CC mom was an incredible women who was the matriarch of the family and held us all together with her wonderful hospitality and devotion to her family and friends.

Mr CC and his mom circa 1979

To describe what an amazing women Mr CC mom was is currently beyond my ability so for now I’ll have plagiarize from Mr. CC beautifully written Eulogy-

“The story of Patricia cannot be told without going into the story of Daniel my father and my grandmother Mica (may they rest in peace). You can’t go far after that without starting to talk about my aunt and my cousins, if someone manages to leave them out, then I dare you to speak of her without bringing up my brother and little sis. And in the last 15 years can anyone name a more inseparable couple than Patty and Fidel? I know I could go on with an example for nearly everyone here, and that’s my point, Mom was kind of like a great big beautiful tree. She didn’t just have good roots she had branches that reached out far enough to touch us all”

Mr CC mom Patricia gave me the best gift possible, she gave me Mr CC and along with him she gave me a future brother in law with her wonderful ability to tell it like it is without hurting my feelings and a future sister in law who even at the age of 14 possess the posse and maturity of someone twice her age. She accepted me into her family without prejudice and never once judged me for my actions and for that I will always be thankful.

Patricia and Mr CC grandma on her wedding day

As for our wedding, we plan to move forward as planned. No doubt some people will judge us for celebrating our marriage a mere 3 weeks after her passing but those who matter most (Mr. CC, his brother, sister and step father) agree that she would not have wanted us to change our plans. It’ll definitely be a different celebration then we originally planned but were moving full steam ahead with the help of our friends and family.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Super Size the Pom Love

Image via Rocky Villa

Back when I first began searching for inspiration photos for our wedding I found myself swooning over initial wreaths like the one above. I love the simple symmetry of the wreathe and they seemed like such a simple DIY project that would pack a lot of visual punch.

The only downside was that the inspiration picks I was coming across all had more a rustic elegant feel that doesn’t really gel well with the overall handmade modern theme of our wedding, that is until I found this wonderfully fluffy and colorful one from Blue Bird Vintage.

Image Via Blue Bird Vintage

Since we want our wreath to take center stage at our ceremony we’ve had to beef up the size to about 3 feet. Yup our wreath will be big enough to hula hoop in, and it’s going to be fabulous. Well at least I hope it’ll be fabulous because so far this is all I have done.

Mr CC and I have been tag teaming our wreath this week and we have a big bin full of poms with a mountain of yarn waiting to be spun into fluffy balls. It’s been slow going but its pretty easy work to do sitting in front of the TV.

The only problem now is trying to figure out what to put in the middle, any ideas? I’m thinking some sparkly initials like these from BHLDN but I’m not completely sold…